(707) 696 - 2967


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Hospice House



Create a site plan that would accommodate an ambitious program in a small site, while providing for a healing garden.



  • Use the garden as a unifying theme, where cars park in a courtyard setting that doubles as a tented event space
  • Surround the Hospice House with various outdoor garden “rooms” that are used for bereavement programs and meditation as well as meeting spaces for staff
  • Use an attractive trash enclosure as the background structure for an edible garden featuring culinary herbs, fruit trees and fruiting shrubs


Special Features

  • Arcs of brick paths link the various outdoor rooms and provide for donors to be identified on the bricks
  • A semi-enclosed Meditation Garden is made the focus of an interior room designed as a spiritual space
  • A Lost Children’s Garden encourages parents who have lost a child to bring gifts of stones to a pebble garden

(707) 696 - 2967

1574 Skillman Lane
Petaluma, CA 94952